Nothing could prepare audiences for the audacious and visionary achievement that is SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE. A wildly inventive animated tale centered around Miles Morales, an ordinary New York teen-turned web-slinger, and his adventures in the multi-verse, this film gleefully takes huge risks and pays them all off. Thrilling, trippy, emotionally involving, and refreshingly weird, SPIDER-VERSE's influence is just starting to be felt with its full impact yet to be seen.
Guest Bio:
Rodney Rothman is a filmmaker best known for co-writing/directing SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (Oscar win) as well as writing 22 JUMP STREET and GRUDGE MATCH. He also produced the acclaimed comedies GET HIM TO THE GREEK and POPSTAR: NEVER STOP NEVER STOPPING. He has been nominated for five Emmy Awards.